Wendy’s heartfelt calling is to help her clients to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives. Wendy inspires her clients and students to transform themselves, and their environments in personally sacred ways. She has been a kind and compassionate Spiritual Counselor, Healer, and Teacher for over 25 years. She assists her clients and students to release old patterns of being that no longer serve them. Wendy encourages and teaches each of her students and clients to pursue their Divine Destiny, which brings them joy, creativity and fulfillment.
Wendy uses Feng Shui to help support her clients to release blocks, move forward effectively on their path, and to live their happiest, healthiest lives. She uses Face Reading to assist in choosing the Feng Shui cures (simple changes in location of furniture, art, and other changes.) She assists her clients to understand what clutter and other blockages in the home represent, and helps them to find a new way to live with more ease and comfort.
Wendy Wywrot was called to develop Angelic Astrology and Angelic Tarot, sacred ways to learn, practice, and teach spiritual wisdom.
She is a certified Daoist Design Feng Shui Practitioner, and a Certified Master Face Reader, trained by the Preeminent Face Reading teacher in the world, Lillian Pearl Bridges of the Lotus Institute.
Wendy considers herself a life-long learner, and has synthesized the best of what she has learned from her teachers. She has studied with many of the world’s top astrologers, including Anne Ortelee, Judith Hill and Patricia Walsh. She is a certified IET Angel Healer, Hypnotherapy Coach, and has graduated from a Neo-Shamanic Healing Program. Additionally, she has studied multiple forms of energy healing, and has studied and taught World Mythology.
Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, she completed the 2 year Honors Humanities Program at Seattle University, and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.
Wendy lives in San Diego, California, and enjoys dancing, live music, reading, learning, and boating. She is an animal lover, especially attuned to dogs, Wendy connects with the beauty and magic of nature on a deep, heartfelt level.
SHORT VERSION : I grew up in Western Washington. In my early 20's, I realized that i was unhappy, unfulfilled, and lonely.. I wanted to create happiness and security within myself, for myself, rather than being dependent on a significant other. That led me to seek counselling. I wanted to help others rather than toil in a corporate office. i went to Massage School, and it opened up a whole world to me. I learned Reiki and became very interested in the Mind-Body Connection. That led me to study 3 different types of Hypnotherapy and many types of Energy Healing. Working on Healing and Empowering Myself has enabled me to help others who have been through similar challenges. I am grateful to be happier now - I still have plenty of issues, but I have more confidence and steadiness, and tools to work through them. I'd love to share these helpful techniques with you ! My goal is to help empower people to have happier, healthier, more creative and fulfilling lives.
LONG VERSION : I was born and raised in Seattle. I grew up with middle class parents, we lived on Lake Washington and I spent every summer playing and paddling about in the water. I was an over achiever and always got good grades. I attended Seattle University, completing the 2 year Honors Humanities Program and 4 year Bach of Arts in Business Administration in 4 years total. I have the equivalent of a minor in Philosophy and Literature.
After I graduated from college, I entered the private sector. Working in various banks and corporations, I was very disillusioned by the behavior of my co-workers. I had always thought that people 'grew up' when they graduated from high school, or at least college, and that people would begin to behave with maturity and integrity. Instead, I noticed that people like that were few and far between. I knew that I was far from perfect myself.
After some time working in the private sector, I developed an interest in becoming self- employed and working in the healing arts. In 1990, I entered the year long training program Seattle Massage in School near Greenlake. (it isn't there any more ) As I completed the program, I noticed that this training had opened up for me all types of wonderful insights and interests in how the human body, mind, and spirit interact and influence one another. I became fascinated by the concept of healing and how healing is a holistic way of helping the whole person - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually (as opposed to treating merely the presenting problem, such as an illness. depression, chronic pain, or anxiety.)
In books and in the media, there was a lot of talk about the Mind-Body connection and I immersed myself in studying up on this fascinating concept. Our society was re- awakening to the very practical fact that our emotions and our mind do influence our health and our well being dramatically - a fact that we all know from common sense, but which Cartesian dualism and the Western focus on Scientific Empiricism had invalidated.
I decided that I wanted to be able to help my clients and loved ones using several different healing modalities. I studied Hypnotherapy with 2 different excellent schools. I became a Reiki Master and an Ordained Minster as well, wanting to be able to provide Spiritual Guidance to my clients as well. As all of this happened, I experienced my own healing journey, which has enable me to assist my clients from a place of having undergone the same challenges.
I continued my own healing journey, as I spent 20 + years learning additional effective therapies and techniques to assist others on their own healing journeys. or path.
I honestly wish to help others the way that past teachers and healers helped me. I seek to assist others to free themselves from the bondage of culturally, socially, and family imposed limitations. With my compassionate and nurturing intentions, i seek to empower my clients to help themselves. My calling is to empower them on their journey towards accessing and actualizing the most joyful creative and effective parts of themselves. Then they are able to thrive and enjoy life passionately, and are able to deal with life's challenges in healthy, centered, productive and integrated ways.